Page 232 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 232

552                       Records of Bahrain


                     myuolf porhopo I do not approoiato thoir finor pointo#
                     Vallanoo'o acquaintance with Iraq in too ohort to remombor how
                     in the nintaon .twenties all the Britishers on the Iraq pay roll
                     wero far more Iraqi than the Iraqi a thcmDOlvoo and full of zeal

                     in teaching them that they wore "on an abooluto oquality" with
                     other nations# The only harvest of this oocd was a fino crop
                     of xonophobia# and the saolc for moat, of tho ooworo aa aoon ao
                     the Iraqio oaroe into power I

                      7.    I entirely disagree that all children should bo taught
                      English# When 1 came to Alvrar I found tho uoual liaoh had been
                     mado of education (two-tliirdB of the money opant on one-tenth

                      of tho boye t) and I wao able to get the Educational Commisoion-
                      er with tho Government of India to come and adviuo how to
                      re-organize it# He laid down the principle that all primary
                      oduoation ohould bo in the vernacular and that where English
                      wao taught after tho fourth otandard some feo no matter how
                      omall should be levied# When I wont out to &in al Hakim
                      rooently at Bahrain tho gardener's eon grooted mo by saying

                      "goodnight" though it wao full afternoon# What is the use
                      of pumping English into theoo people ?

                      8#     I entirely agree with Vallanoc that the Technical
                      ‘ Jchool should be encouraged in every poauiblo way, and that
                      80hools should enoourage boya to enter it# Host of tho
                      Chief8 Colleges in India now include eome form of raanuul train-
                      ing in thoir ourx'iculume# and it would be an exoollcnt thing

                      if all tho Bahrain schools copied this# You have mentioned
                      in various reports that the Oil Company ie the destination
                       of the majority of Bahrain ochoolboyo#  Let ub recognize this
                       frankly and adapt tho higher schools of the State to meet it#

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