Page 231 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 231

The progress of state education, 1939-1941     551


             tl XX K-l00 35, 1° that 1)0 had designs on Duhi*ain him bo If,   He
             evidently took a fanoy to the plaoe, and roallood its poosibili-
             tifla while at the same time tho wind in Iraq grow odder#   Of
             coin*oo» evoryono is entitled to think of themselves, but my
             point io that he ie not entirely diBintcreated y1o a via
             Buhrain, and hi b mendaoioue olalm for oorapenoation shows that
             we ohall have to keep an eye on him#

             5.    The statement regarding infants' eduoatlon in the «eoond
             and third puragraphB of page 9 io^eo far ao 1 know?utterly
             untrue, and it is the universal practice to retain the more
             highly qualified teaoherB for tho secondary schools and pay
             them at a higher rate#
                   The negloct of the ohildron'o health io rogrottable,’
            but I think that a curvey of all tho primary and moat of the

             oeoondary schools in India not under European management
            would show similar rosulto#  If a sohool doctor (on Indian
            lady doctor would be leuo expensive and quite ouitable for
            the younger boys) oan be engaged it v/i 11 of couruo bo
            exoellont, but Bahrain is, 1 regrot to eay, by no raeano unique
            in hor present position#

            6.     It is the patriotic propaganda mentioned at (3) (4)
            (9) and (io) of page 10 whloh causes one the liveliest
            apprehension and it io clear from his remarks on page 19

            about "raoe integrity" that Vallanoe has not the remotest
            ldoa what he is talking about*  It is true that as subsequent*
            ty developed by him these subjects have an innocuous air,
            but remarks like the oonoluding sentence on page 22 oan and
            will be misconstrued*   2 am very sceptical of the possibilities
            of inculcating patriotism and "Reverence for the flog" by
            lessons in sohool but having never reoeived euoh instruction
                                                            / myself
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