Page 230 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 230
550 Records oj Bahrain
Office of the Political Resident
in the Peroian Oulf,
L.T*Hearohus, at Dabal•
^,o.:jo*c/q3i. Datod tho 2nd iJaoorobor, 1939*
Please refer to your demi-offioial letter No*0/607-
• i#b/5» dated tho 30th Ootober 1939, forwarding Vallanoo's
roport • I ura afraid 1 ohould be inolined to put it the other
way about and euy that though there lo much with which one
violently disagrees, it hae ite good points*
2. In tho first plaoe the report should not have been
addressed to the Shaikh* Bolgrave is tho head of the
administration and should be the sole means of ooaraunioatlon
between Buropeano and the Bahrain Government* Vallanoe'o
"Your Highness^ on every puga (the concluding one has a barrage
of no lesB than five) stick in my throat, and the sycophuntio
balderdash about tho polioe on page 64 (for Belgrave's
benefit) makeo me quite uiok*
3. To bo candid, I do not like Vallanoe'e appointment
and I have only agreed to it booouse of your insistence, the
oubsldy from the British Council and in the hope that it nay
enable uu to keep Bahrain^at home* There aro many obvloue
drawbacks to his appointment, and l ohall be agreeably sur-
prioed if we do not disoover othero as time goes on* In the
first plaoe,there is the patent disadvantage of adding to the
team of Buropeano already employed by the Buhraln Oovemment,
secondly that they will soon find that Vallanoe's pro-
posale are going to cost far more than they realise*
4. Another point that stioks out very olaurly, although
Vallanoe lo thoughtful enough to keep it in the background
/ till
Iiequire, I*C*0*,
^olitioal Agent,