Page 229 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 229

The progress of state education, 1939-1941     549

                     Uomorunaum of ugroomont made this the twonty-
                 cifthth day of November One Thouoand Wine Hundred
                 •nd thirbyuine, between ilia Highnoaa Shaikh bir
                ii"Ub«d bin Isa .»l-ilhuliiah, K.C.I.h., G,Hulcr
                of Juhrnin Islands, Persian Gulf, ou behu.lf of the
                •.♦overjaunt of Bahrain, of the one part, and Mr.

                d. N. .C. .ulrinn-Vnllnnce of the other part, vdtnosseth
                 thJ.t it is mutually agreed thut the fluid Government of
                Bahrain will employ the said nlr. C. i(. l>. <idrian-
                 silence and tho no id Ur. C. R. L, .udrian-Vallanoo
                ..ill aorve the an id Government of Bahrain for a
                period of fitfo yours commencing from tho tho twenty-
                eighth day of November One Thousand Jiino ilundred

                and Thirty Nine on tho torj^a apeoified on tho schedule
                of terms attached.
                     In witness whereof the parties have hereunto
                signed their numos.

                                           • -n

                     beal of His Highness Shaikh bir Hamad
                        bin Isa Al-Umliftih. K.C.I.o.,
                          C.b.l •»  Kulor of Bahrein.


                     oignaturo of Ur.
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