Page 221 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 221

The progress oj state education, 1939-1941      541              i


                  few words ought to be said about tho Education of Girls.                   i

                I found, during my visit to Bahrain, that a personal inspection of tho
             lwo girl*.’ n hools would not bo possible, and us I did not thiuk it wise to
             taw any ollicial report upon the unsupported evidence of tho teachers, I
             made no investigation of femalo education in Bahrain. I was, however,
             diown some beautiful examples of hundwork of various kinds, dono by the
             schoolgirls and I was much impressed by tho high standard of artistry
             and skill which these displayed. I was ako told that much attention is
             being paid in the girls’ schools to the domestic subjects, 6uch as cooking,
             sewing, and other branches of housekeeping, which is an excellent and
             most scusiblc arrangement, und one which ought to bo continued. Thoro
             does just exist, however, a danger of neRlectiug tho literary side of a girl’s
             education, in favour of tho domestio side, to such an extonb as to daniugo
             her chances of marriago luter on; for it is being found in thoso Arab
             countries which are educating their youth on a wido sculo that tho young
             men are showing an increasing di6ta6to for marriago with girls whose
             education is much inferior to thoir own.
                I therefore suggest to your Highness that whilo tho domestio side of
             femalo education in Bahrain is of the utmost importance, and should bo
             fully developed, a careful watoh should be kept to soe that tho literary side
             is not too much neglected.
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