Page 204 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 204
524 Records of Bahrain
tho woro cultured, tho hotter educated, and Iho less politically
luiuded—especially if ho has bcou educated in a European-
typo school.
(.3) Boar in mind that probably tbo best foreign teacher of all, for
Bahrain's purposes, would bo tho Palestinian Arab who could
satisfy tho following conditions :
(a) Ho line himsolf been oducated at a British-oouduotcd
school in Palostino, i.o. oithor a governmont school or
ono of tho British-owned privato schools.
(b) Ho has had a fow yoars’. toaohing oxporionco in a sohool
of tho typo described in (a).
(c) Ho has nover taught in auy school outsido Palostino.
(cl) Ho cau bo recommondod to tho Bahraiu Adviscrato, by
tho Palostino Secretariat, as boing a suitablo teacher,
both as rogards abstontion from politics, and probablo
outlook uftcr ho roaches Bahrain.