Page 262 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 262

582                        Records of Bahrain

                 emi.ip,vent should be ready in the early part of the following yeae
                 v/'rton’the full complement of 100 students will have been reached.
                 At the present time machinery, tools and other
                 workshop equipment arc. increasing in price and arc   V/0RKI3H0P.'3
                 subject to considerable delay in delivery. 1 v/ould   EQUIPMENT,
                 therefore advise tho fitting out of the new work­
                 shops at the earliest possible moment, even if some of the equip­
                 ment will not be needed immediately, a stock of modern tools and
                 nachinoB would have a considerable value to the Jtate apart from
                 its use in technical training, for there are no other Government
                 workshops in the Island where engineering and constructional work
                 could bo carried out on the scale that the public services may
                 demand in the near future.
                     The figures against the following items of works equipment
                 needed during the next two years are baoed on the most recent
                 prices of machinery and tools in Great Britain and they include
                 estimates of the cost of delivery in Bahrain. They are at best,
                 however, only an approximation, and the individual figures have
                 little meaning when studied without reference to the detailed
                 specifications of the items in question. They arc givon as a
                 guide, to the total expenditure likely to be required. All the
                 nachi?ics in the following lists are reckoned to be fitted with
                 self-contained electric motor drive.
                     ;.higinoerino^Sh!ye                                  £
                          Twenty engineer’s vicoc, various sisos          30
                          Materials for constructing benches              2G
                          Fitting :>hop small equipment (hand tools
                                find various appliances)                  GO
                           Drills, files, taps, dies, milling cutters,
                                lathe tools, etc.                        150
                           Measuring instruments and precision tools      75
                           Bench type grinding machine                    10
                           Pillar type drilling machine                   70
                           Six lathes (SH centres) with accessories      120
                           Two "      (7«    "   )   "       "           300
                           Two    m   (bench type, 4&" centres) with
                                accessories                              120
                           Two electric hand drilling machines            30
                           Tool grinding machine, pedestal type with
                                largo double wheel                        45
                           Small universal milling muchine               280
                           Shaping machine, 24" stroke                   250
                           Machine hacksaw                                85
                           Supplementary equipment, mainly for
                                industrial work
                           Two lathes (6” centres), of substantial
                                construction with gearbox transmission   320
                           Iladlal type drillin'.-; machine              250
                           Surface grinding machine                      100
                           Special tools and appliances for motor
                                repair work                              250

                                                                      i; 25G5

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