Page 265 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 265
The progress of state education, 1939-1941 585 !
X have considered it desirable in this Report to discuoo
ot flomo length the principles of technical training in relation
to the peculiar conditions in the Knot, and to deal in consider
able detail with certain aspects of the pz'oposcd re-organisation
of the Dahrain Technical School, Without this detailed treatment
the scheme 1 have suggested to your Highness might have been
varfuc and unconvincing. As it is, my suggestions may give the
impression of inflexibility, but I would point out that tho
scheme could be considerably modified according to circumstances
of which I may not be aware, providod that its execution were in
•the hands of a competent Principal.
However urgent the need for enlarging the Technical School >
it is hardly to be expected that the new scheme v/ill become
fully operative by the beginning of the school year 1940-41.
Certain preparations could be put in hand at once, but the work
of completing the necessary buildings, purchasing the equipment,
and collecting together the additional teachers required, will
be the v/ork of many months. Moreover, much of this work should
not bo undertaken without the help and advice of the new Principal,
whoso own appointment will take 3ome time to negotiate. I would
strongly advise your Higlinoss to seek a well qualified and
capable man at once for this post in order that hie services may
be available during the difficult period of transition through
which the Technical School will shortly have to pa6s. Having
made this important appointment your Higlinoso’s Government could
embark on the scheme of re-organisation with confidence and free
from the responsibility of dealing with matters which properly
come within the province of a specialist.
In concluding tty Report I would like to acknowledge the
kindness shown to me by your Highness*s Adviser and other members
of the Government Staff during my visit to Bahrain, and the ready
help which I received, both from them and from tho Manager and
officers of the Oil Company, while carrying out my investigations.
X have the honour to be
your Highnoos’s humble and obodiont servant,
Geoffroy B, Hutching3.
31st. march 1940.
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