Page 268 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 268

588                        Records of Bahrain

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                 Training School.  Education in Bahrain is now divided into
                 three stages, the Infant Stage, the Intermediate Stage and
                 the Final Stage, each with three classes,   It was originally
                 intended to have Final Stage classes in the Manama, Muharraq
                 and ilodd schools, but it is already evident that, for the time
                 being, there will be insufficient pupils to warrant the enter­
                  tainment of staff for Final Stage classes in three different
                  centres. Indeed it seems likely that in the next year or two
                  there will be no more than 40 to 60 boys in the whole of the

                  Government Schools in Bahrain fit for Final Stage tuition.
                  This is mainly due to the .inadequacies of the teaching staff
                  employed so far in the various schools, and it has long been
                  recognised that little improvement can be made until a proper
                  Training School for teachers is opened here in Bahrain. Un­
                  fortunately it has been found that there is no one among the

                  present senior teaching staff capable of training junior
                  school-masters, and indeed there is no one really capable of
                  teaching in a Final Stage school. Thus the immediate essential
                  is to introduce from outside' throe or four thoroughly well
                  qualified teachers who can not only take the Final Stage
                  school in Manama but can in addition run the teachers Training
                  School in the evenings. Mr. Vallance informs me that he hopes
                  to get in touch with three or possibly four men whom he knows
                  personally, who have the requisite qualifications and who arc

                  sound politically. They v/ill be expensive, for they will
                  require salaries of Rs 300/- per mensem or possibly more, but
                  I am in full agreement with him that until teachers of this
                  type have been recruited no real efficiency can be introduced
                  into the Final Stage tuition. This position is accepted by

                   the Bahrain Government who are prepared to find the funds
                  required and who, as the result of the concentration of Final
                  Stage tuition in Manama, are at least relieved for the time
                  being of providing for this stage at three different centres.
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