Page 272 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 272
592 Records of Bahrain
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yho above moaouro8 havo given the groateat satisfaction, and tho
.j[i of nil three schools havo expressed in writing their gratitudo to
jjGovornroont and thoir determination to spare no of fort towards iroprov-
the standard of education in Bahrain. Tho rule making participation
Iho Providont Fund schemo compulsory was looked upon as a privilege,
fler than as a burden : in tho past, only those teachers whoso monthly
grjsountod to 50 rupoes or over vrero eligible for membership.
All stocks of booko, stationery, and othor equipment wore then coll-
ded from tho individual schools, and a control stored, maintained at the
^cation Office, has beon created, Books und stationery aro now supplied
ne to all boys except those of tho Final Stage (P.53).
The rule about Arab dross for all masters and all boys, at all schools
Kept tho Technical School (PP. 25 & 42). wn6 introducod, and it has been
iry well recoivod by all concerned.
Tho admission of boys below the ago of 6 has boon forbidden (PP. 6,29)
lepito of this, as is shewn later, the numbers in the schools have risen
Tho use of the quran us a first reading-book has beon forbidden, and
tyor. infants' roading-books have been supplied to all tho schools (P« 47)•
Copy-books, for the proper teaching of handwriting, have been intro-
'Cfld into all the schools (P.40).
Ink has boon introducod into all the schools, and the use of pencils,
Acept by boys of the Infants’ Stago, has been forbidden (P.51)« The
^cation Department is manufacturing its own ink, from powder, and this will
*°Te a groat oaYing financially*
Daily physioal drill has been introducod into five of the soven sohooli
*•58), Soouting has not beon abolished, as it appoars to bo dying a natu-
A death#