Page 271 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 271

The progress of state education, 1939-1941     591

                                               Tho Education Office,


                                                    9 May 1940.

          To :  C. Dalrymple Bolgravo, Eoq., C.B.E.
                 Adviser to the Bahrain Government


              I have the honour to submit, as requested, a short roport on
       progress in Education since I became responsible for tho Department at
       Iho end of November last year,  Tho pa&e-numbors in brackots are refer-

       moos to my Report on Govornmont Education in Bahrain, dated September
       lGt, 1939.

          The first atop tnkon was to rationalise the working hours of both
       •asters nnd boys, in all tho schools (P.39),  The teaching hours of
       assistant masters wore reduced from 36 per week to 28, and those of head-

       Asters to 18.  Boys of the Intermediate and Pinal Stages now do 28
      Periods in the classroom each week, and those in the Infants* Stage do 24,

          Sanction was then obtained from tho Government to regularise the
      PV and conditions of teachers at the three large schools of Uonamsh,

      •toharraq, and Hidd (PP.40 & 41).  arados of toachers wore defined ; por-
      •anont rates of  pay  for each grade wore fixed ; annual inorements^up to
      c°rtain maxima, woro  established ; and participation in the Oovernmont
      Providont Fund scheme was made compulsory.  The minimum commencing salary
      •f      . .   .   .    + nf those threo ochools is now 50 rupees per
      n an assistant mastor at one or tnose *■«««
      ^hth, and the minimum annual increment, Por month, is 5*
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