Page 275 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 275

The progress oj state education, 1939-1941      595
                                   p -
          0t lc the appointment of Bahraini hoadraastors in every achool, and of

          distant staffs which aro 100^ Bahraini.

           Educational facilitieo have boon offerod to tho Police (p.64), and
         r;e offer was welcomod by them ; but for various reasons connected with
         0»ir nur-tiroe duties thoy have not^boon able to find tho necessary time
         •yfit tho classes into their daily time-table.                                     i

           An evening school for members of tho Ruling Family was oponed in
         }ril, and oighteen Shaikhs ontored themselves for tho classos, which
         :clude Arabic, Aritliraetic, and English.  About half of the students are

         ludying all throe subjects, and most of tho others uro studying two.
         h moot popular subject is English.  The classes are taught by the
         Ircctor, the Education Office secretary, and tho hoadmaster of Manaraoh

        ihool.  Up to the prosent, the attendance of the Shaikhs has been good9
        cd they are working well.

           An arrangement has been entorod into with the Ainorican Mission Hos-

        rftal in Manamah, under which half-a-dozen boys from the Government school^
        uro begun a two-year course of training in hospital work, including
        braing, compounding, and X-ray work. The Hospital has undertaken to pay

        he boys a monthly wage throughout their training, and the Education
        Apartment has made itsolf responsible for the continuance of their gen-
        Nal education, by means of ovoning classes.  It is understood that there
       W now well-paid openings for boys with some training, in hospitals run

       f/ various oil corapanios in the Gulf, but that it has hitherto beon found
       fopoosiblo to find trainod applicants.

          I A large building, formorly the premises of tho Eastern Bank in Bah-

       f4*n, has boon rented, to be opened as a Final Stage school in Ootober.
          building provides three very large classrooms on the ground floor,                 ■
       r*«idoq headmaster's and masters' rooms, and a small library. Above,

       rA«re. is boarding accomodation for six masters. The sixty double desks
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