Page 276 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 276

596                        Records oj Bahrain

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                /equirod  for this school havo boon made by tho Carpontry Soctlon of tho
                ichnicnl School, and tho reactors' rooraa aro now to bo furnished in tho

                I sne Key.  Tho school is intended to aocomodato, noxt Octobor, tho pick
                foil tho boya at prooont in tho f<^ir top claoooo of Manamah, Uuharraq,
                Ld Judd schools, and after it is oponod thoro will bo no Pinal Stage

                iccoiao(lotion ut nil at any of tho other schools, which will becomo Inter-
                jdioto and Infants' Stago schools only, until ouch time as tho Infants
                'iro romoYod to oopnrato schools, when they will bocome IntoJrmodiato Schools

                ulely. The now Final Stage school will bo staffed by now masters ontire-
                '.y, obtained from abroad.

                   Tho neglected stnto of tho yillago schools (P.ll) is being steadily
                eoediod.  Groat support has been given to Hidd School, which has been
                ;enerously supplied with books, stationory, and equipment, and with somo
                >f the musters formorly working at Uanareoh or Uuharraq.   A football field

                laa beon laid out, and tho games-mastor who formorly sorvod Uanareah and
                luharraq alono now spends one-third of each wock at Hidd School,   In overy

                lay tho school is now boing treated os the equal of Uanamah and Uuharraq,
                wd tho numbers have risen from about 140 to over 250, most of whom are
                hgular attondants until tho beginning of the pearling season, when the
                uobors go down very considerably,  This exodus from the school for the

                darling has already begun, but an interesting feature of it this year is
                hat not a single boy from the two top classes, which now have oompotent

                Wtors, is leaving.

                   Budayyi' Sohool has beon the subjoot of some interesting and lnforma-
                l*Vo experiments.  At tho beginning of the year the school contained no

                l5oks of any kind, and the staff consisted of two mullas, able to road but
                :°t to write. The currioulum consisted solely of roadings from tho Quran
                1,1(1 lessons in the practice of religion - how to wash boforo praying, how
                ■° pray,' and so on.  Ve supplied the school with books, stationery, equip-

                ,#.nt# footballs, etc., without any effect at oil.  The numbers remained at
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