Page 280 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 280
600 Records of Bahrain
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of the Tochnicul School, 03pocially amongst tho boys of tho other
l,:hools (P.61). The result has been a steady flow of applications, both
(jr tho Carpontry and tho Engineering sides.
Wo have, moroovor, boon able to place 8 trained or partially-trained
Icchnionl School boys in posts at tho Oil Camp, some of thorn as leamor-
iiilders at a commencing wage of 30 rupees a month, others as Machine Shop
'.prentices at 60 rupees a month, and one as an Air Conditioning npprent-
l*e, also at 60 rupees per month. Theso salaries are higher than those
Itlng received by u number of the masters in tho Government schools, and
ftls practical demonstration of the financial value of a little technical
'.reining has confirmed the claims which we made in the newspaper articles
:rferred to above, and has greatly assisted our propaganda in favour of
taTechnical School, which now contains 30 students, a record number, so
Good reports have been roceivod from the Oil Company of the work and
to conduct of the boys wo have sent them from the Technical School.
, In December last tho Government was aslced to roconoider the question
|ft substantial enlargement of tho small existing school, and sanotion was
j for the engagement of /.in expert, to oxnraine and report on the
•stion of extension - in the light of local conditions - not only of the
tool premises, but also of the curriculum itself : he was also to draw up
toftl plnns for building. Mr. 0. E. Hutchings, Principal of the Baghdad
tonionl School, agreed to vioit Bahrain for this purpose, and he has sinoo
Uo o most excellent Report, which is now under sorious consideration*
Tho Technical School has boon the means of enabling a start to be made
to tho idea of Bahrain becoming the educational contre of the Persian
f (P.28). Three boys from Kuwait have recontly Joined the school os
l*ents, two of them with bursaries provided by the Kuwait Oil Company, and
third privately. All three boys are taking tho full two-year course,
*hich they are paying feos, at the rate of 30 rupees per month. They
" U0 that other boys from Kuwait will be applying for places at our Tech
nical School*