Page 285 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 285
The progress oj state education, 1939-1941 605
The Britioh 'Jounoll'e financial interoct in Education in
Bahrain nuut largely depend upon the pouoibllity of attract
ing boyo from neighbouring countrieo. It iu doubtful if
the Trououry will put up muoh more money for educational
projects benefitting only Bahrainio*
2. There appear to be two methods of approach to making
Buhruin the recognized educational oentro for Eaotern Arabia
(1) Uteady progrous along the line a ulroady
being followed
(11) Tho foundation of a speoial "Gulf College",
3. Mr,Vallanoo favoure the firot alternative and BUggeato
that the Britioh Council should ocelot in tho following waya,
(a) Provide an English Principal for the Teohnioal
(b) Provide 0 Snglioh touchers for tho following
The Teohnioal School* The Final School, The • «• «
Manama Sohool, the Uuharraq School and The
Middle School,
(o) Oive financial assistance to the Bahrain
Government in the building of a new Final
(d) Give financial aeuintanoe to the Bahrain
Government in the building of a boarding houat-
for "non-Bahrainib" who wish to enter any of
tho oohoolo in Bahrain,
4. Bahraini boyu from any of the Junior sohoole would be
oolQotod by publlo examination for entry to the Final 3ohool
or Teohnioal School, (I OBtimate not more than 30 and 20
por annum reepeotivaly}
5, Non-Bahraini boye would be encouraged to oome to 'the
- . •• ;• .
bourding.houBfl at the age of §» T~or 0, anft.