Page 282 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 282

Records of Bahrain

                                E BRITISH COUNCIL

                               HANOVER STREET, LONDON Wi
                  5v-v. • • ■ ■                                        CONFIDENTIAL P.ECORW
                  !>G/o/.U                                     L>°t< 29th May, 1940..

                                 Tho British Council »rosent their comolimonts to
                      vie Poll t:Uv.u -lor.: dent in tiio Porsiun Gull' and have the
                      honour to forv/ar d him their Statement Y embody in.*3 hi r, recom­
                      mendations for expenditure by the Council in iyUO/41. The
                      Council much rogrot thut, owing to the delay in obtaining u
                  ;,v. decision on their grant-in-uid to be received from H.1.1.
                      Government in respect or I9UO/4I, they have been unable to
                      inform 11*1.1. Rc..resentativeG at an earlier staqe what funds
                      win be available «*or expenditure in this financial year.
                                 After careful consideration of the Political
                      Kesldont's rocommondutions in the .Light of the funds avail- .
                      able, the Council have decided to approve the grants shown
                      in the attached .list.
                                 Two copies of Porm Y \\>v use in forv/arding recom­
                      mendations for expenditure in ly4’l/42 are also attached, one
                      for completion in due course and one for retention,     It ir.
                      requested that the completed form may be forwarded as usual
                       no as to reach the Council by ISth October.
                   ;             The Council wish to taxe thin opportunity of
                  .v oxpresoing their gratitude to Colonol Prior for tlic advice
                   •••• and help which ho and his staff iiuvc extended to tho Council
                       during a most difficult period when tho pressure of other
                   ■work in H.l.i. Missions must have been vory heavy indeed.      His
                   V.V Majesty' 0 Government attach great iiimortnnco tv> the maintenance
                       of the Council's activities in war-time and huve approved a
                   .. policy of gradually expanding those activities, Although
                   VV tho Council's reservo fund for the current financial year is
                   . . not large, any extra project which the Political Resident
                       may wish to recommend for u supplementary grant during the
                       cout'ne of the yeur will receive very careful consideration.

                                                                                        • •
                   gV "

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