Page 284 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 284

604                       Records of Bahrain
                                                    Office of the Political he oh ent
                                                           in the Persian Gulf,
                                                             Camp)   iiAhhAiii,
                         b.O.No.C/32                   Dated the 22nd February lb41.

                     Dear Dundao,

                         X underutand from you that the British Council are consider­
                     ing the expansion of their work in Bahruin. Ae you know, we are
                     greatly conoerned with the otrutogic advantages of a quiet
                     pied-a-terro here, and anything that disturbed the political

                     otmoophere would be contrary to our interests. Wo therefore have
                     to consider any proposals from the political us well as the
                     oducational point of view.

                     2.  As I understand it, the policy of the Council is to encourage
                     the inhabitants of the Biddle East to look to Britain for their
                     cultural contacts, and that their immediate object in Bahrain is
                     to keep students at home whore subversive propaganda is lees

                     likely to reach them. With both of these aims we are in full
                     agreement, but there i6 an underlying danger which wo should do
                     well to avoid.

                     3.   It appears to be a universal law in the East that the un­
                     employed student is the normal focus for political agitution,
                     and there have already been signs of this in Bahrain and Kuwait*

                     We should therefore consider olosely the probable sources of
                     employment open to these students and make our plans accordingly*
                     I am doubtful if the present openings are likely to increase • ; 's. r
                     substantially, and we should underestimate rather than over­
                     estimate our figures*  If a survey shows that a majority of the
                     vacancies are of a technical nature we should cater for this
                     in the education provided.
                     •Dundee, Esquire,
                    British Counoii Representative
                         in the Near East,           Co   sent to P.A.Bahrain under
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