Page 288 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 288
608 Records of Bahrain
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Datod the 26th February 1941.
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I have discussed the matter of tho Education for
children of Indians employed in Bahrain^with representa
tives of the Indian communities.
2. They are all in favour of having a primary school .
up to the fourth class, staffed by a male and female
. teacher from the Indian Educational Department. They
Request that the school should be subject to inspection
i by the Indian Educational Deportment. They also request
that the tuition should be on the English Public School
system and not anglo-vnnacular, which they soy would be
unsuitable for Bahrain. They also request that teachers
might be only temporarily deputed from India so that in
case they are found unsatisfactory, they can easily be
changed. // if. «. i r : / . ; s. —•/
<*. .Aw . «c/ o ^ s1'. Yours sincorely,
• .
eutenant Colonel C. G’. Prior, C.I.E.,
. Political Resident in the Persian Gulf,
at Bahrain.