Page 293 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 293
The progress of state education, 1939-1941 613
j.u. m;. 10BU/23.
Bahrain, June 11, 1941.
I/O .i .%lban,
Kufurring to our talk on 7th Juno about Dundus'
scheme l'or establishing u Gulf College in Bahrain.
1 IhinK it is advisable'to put on record some of my
vi;..o on his proposal.
3. 1 have discussed the achemo with ohaikh
.tuuullah. We are both of the opinion that this is
not the time for the Bahrain Government to incur
heavy financial liability and to launch a scheme
•..hose success depends so muoh upon the support from
neighbouring Gulf States. iVe think thut while the
..ur continues in this purt of the world tho Bahrain
oovurmiient should confine its activities to improving
:nu expanding locul education in Bahrain on the lines
ou which «e have been working during the past year.
Gluikh ..bdullah is naturally more interested in the
ouucation of Bahrain /vrabs than in providing educa
tional facilities for foreigners from other parts of
tho Gulf.
3. There are various statements in the report
' which call for comment, some of them are oritioisms
of the educational work in Buhrain whioh appear to
have been made without knowledge or foundation, It
is stated in paragraph 1 of the report that many
cndcsiroble teachers are employed in the schools of
a-.hrain and Kuwait. The majority of our teachers
•*rc local nrub8, carefully chosen, who in 3ome oases
have served satisfactorily for ten or fifteen years.