Page 290 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 290
610 Records oj Bahrain
.mnf identic*
The Hesidenoy,
n.o.fto* 270-3*
Bushire, tho lot May 1941.
\till you ploage rofer to ray talegrara No. 313,
dutod the avth April 1941, on the oubjeot of tho proposed
uulf College at Bahrain Y
2, I enoloee oopy of a letter NO.P030H/1/1, dated the
17th juiroh 1941, from Dundee and of its enoloouree. The
figuroe for inooioe in paragraph 14 of hio report to the
Oounoil are, in ray opinion, greatly over-eetimatod, and
UiBhop Thompoon hae Just told rae that the foee in the
dtuart Ueraorial Col logo at Isfahan, which lo the eort of
oollego wo night hopa to get in the Poroian Quit if we
were lucky, were about 7/fl a month l’or day boye and £ 2
for boarders which approximate to Indian rates for this
type of eduoation.
3. The whole eoherae is oo vague that I feel very un
easy about prooeeding further without advioo from tho
liduoational Coramiaoloner after ho hae soon the plaoo and
the oonditlons. This Department hue a laiaontablo record
in fathering ill oonoelved oollegea and X should be very
reluotant to add to then, 1 do :not fool that the moment
ie propitious i’er anything more than on extension of tho
teohnloal school, and tho more ambitious project oould well
wait a year untij we see how Vallanoe’s reform* work out
and how many boys ore likely to bo forthcoming. ,
«x»d... • ^
external Affalrs-hepartnentr ...... '•
3 lml a.
CoPy oent to Bahrein under P.I.Ho.271-3,
doted let May 1941.