Page 289 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 289


                          The progress of state education, 1939-1941     609


                     Poli tical Resident, Buohlro,
                     Government of India, Simla.
          Dated the 29th April, 1941.

                     Dundua of British Council haa gone to England to
          discover whether Council will help finance echcrao for Gulf
          College at Bahrain. If money ia likely to be forthcoming
          detailed propoaala will be drawn up on hi a return. Scherao la
          at present in nebulous condition but papora are being Bent

          you by mull. Would it be poaoible to opare Educational Commiss­
          ioner to visit Buhruin in say Juno and advise uo ?
              2.     Irrespective of aaaiatanca by Council Bahrain Govern­
          ment //i3h to engage Hutchings now in Bagdud ao ho ad of Technical
          School at Bahrain. Terms pay .€ 1000 per annum no increments
          house or family allowance first class paooago Bagdad to Bahrain
          and Bahrain to united Kingdom on termination of contract which
          would be for four years terminable by 3 months notice on either
          uido. Ao he must give notice in Juno matter ia urgent.
              3.    While I am doubtxrul of advisability of proceeding                      !
          with main echorao under present conditions, expansion of preaont

          Technical School at Bahrain has everything to recommend it.
         Salary proposed is high but State prefer man they know and 1
         rccousiunl they be allowed to engage him. Please telegraph reply.

                                                  - Britconoul.
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                   A 4 . A/* .   A' tfffal.
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