Page 292 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 292
612 Records of Bahrain
n '•
oovitfumn1 of into a.
External A flairs Department.
The 2 Way 1941.
<K 4.* f/v-w*
'.Vi 11 you please refer to your demi-
official letter No.270-S, dated the 1st Way
1941?. I am desired to say that the Government
of India share your reluctance bo see anything
further done about a Gulf College in Bahrain
until the Educational Comnissioncr has been
there and has given his advice. It is not
possible for him to go at once, but he hopes
no will be able to visit Bahrain in the autumn.
This should be early enough since, as you point
out, it is desirable before any more definite
steps are taken to see how ValJ.ance's reforms
work out. ..
2. '.Ye have nob replied to your telegram
Ho .b2l!) of the 1st May for rather obvious
reasons. But when more normal conditions have
been re-established in Iraq, and the Embassy
is once more functioning, v/c think it would be
well to make sure that the Ambassador has no
objection to Bahrain taking Hutchings from Iraq.
No........ £/.£. - A'w'
Onto.... tijkj&C'"'
njble T IE.,
litical Resident in the Persian Gulf.
pyloend' to.iitOiraiu under P.^n. jio .bOU-b dated IB.6.41.