Page 296 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 296

616                        Records of Bahrain


                      a competitive examination uppoars the moat fair
                      und reasonable method of picking boys for udvunoed
                      education.   Last year it is truo that u number of

                      boys «liu failed in the examination hud to leave
                      school because they had completed their course and
                           too old to be kept on.    dome of the purents
                       resented this and special classes were opened for
                       taoso boys //ho wished to continue their education,

                       only a few boys availed thooaolvos of the olueaoo.
                       i!ig /.oediug out of such a number of older boys was
                       not u normal procedure but was necessary on this
                       occasion owing to tho reorganisation of the system.

                           V.   In seotion 3 of tho report it stated that
                       it would bo possible to maintain a higher standard
                       in the junior seotion of the proposed oollege than
                       in the three existing junior sohoolo.   There seems
                       to ba no justification for this stutoment.   It
                       v.ouid certuinly bo ohoaper to combine the three

                       proposed new schools in one building but at the some
                       time the existing eohoolo at lledd and i4uhurraq, and
                       probably Muxuunah, would still be required,   The
                       government would have to provide schools for boys
                       who wore ineligible or unable to pay for the tuition
                       in the proposed oollege.

                            8.   In seotion 4 Dundas mentions the difficulty
                       ol forecasting the response to the sohame.    I think
                       oeforo embarking on so oootly a schema an attempt
                       should be made to ascertain what resppnse was likely
                       from othor Gulf States.   I know that replies to
                       enquiries would not be reliable but at least it might
                       bo possible to discover how many parents in Kuwait
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