Page 301 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 301
The progress of state education, 1939-1941 621
| wO Xrii •i 1 oyriu and other institutiono ubroud.
.uo :>:&I!.'UaA iioverumont ba^un to carry out its own
euiieiuo 0f oducutionul reorganisation leas than
:.>o y.nro ago, it v:uy pointed out then that full
-.Tuition could not bo looked for until four or
1 jive yours had elup3ed. It i3 now euggested by
wh0 iB not I believe un export education
alist, thv.t tie nucule scrap tuo whole cf our
ouiioiL.j and put in ito plaoo ouothsr cuhoue, at t
enormous cost whose ouuoonu or failure tut author
V >
of the scheme declares to bo unprediotable*
id. There is another point which is perhaps
Muroclyousinosa as it ia not tne concern of
tin: dahruin Oovornraenl. The money which the
•iritich Council spends oomos direct from the liritish
Treasury, the council has no private funds, Are
v.o justified at a time like this in depleting the
national exchequer by allowing the British Council
to us* for so large a sum of money to be spent in
uuiiruiu, which has a population of obout 90,000,
ona purpose which is not absolutely neoe3sory and
will not contribute directly towards winning the war,
Your a sincerely,
&nor u,C«h,w, Alban, 0,h,i$.,
d.o.M's Political Agent,