Page 300 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 300

620                        Records of Bahrain


                        boya will not uohiovo until after another three

                             M, A churtor on the linos of the oao pro­
                        posed by Dundas would not moot with the approval
                        of iuo .‘Shaikhs. Education in Bahrain io now
                        controlled by tho government, tho charter would
                               Vao control of the government over tho

                        principal oohoola and place it in the binds of a
                        council where tho Bahrain Govcraaeul would bo out-
                        raubored :ln every vote token on educational polioy
                        in Bahrain by eight voto3 to one. If the Buhrain

                        Government provided half tho funds i.t eould require
                        '« proportional representation on the council, ciuoh
                        a charter, lAcuellod on the one wiuch wuo refused
                        by Iraq, would be os unpopular in Bahrain as it
                        Via3 in Baghdad.
                             jlO.  Dundee’ soheme has the appearance of
                        being a prooonoaivad one and bears .little or rio
                        relation to local conditions, .local rexpuirementc

                         r-^l local oonsiuorutiuns.   lie os mo to Bahrain with
                         the eciiGiue more or lous ready wade, ho did not
                         lirot examine the educational position in Bahrain
                         mkI then work out a scheme to the local needs.

                        'I no ports of the report which are valuuole have
                         been taken by the uuthor from the govcrnj.v/nt13 own
                         views ana from written reports by tho Director of
                         Education v.ho first proposed a Gulf College in
                         June 1939, but this was to be cn institution whioh
                         would cater for boys aftor they had finished at

                         the kind of college whioh Dundaonow envisages and
                         would prevent them from going for higher training
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