Page 298 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 298
618 Records of Bahrain
receive houses or ullowauoe3. The figure 3uggoated
ior junior toaohers and instructors averages £300.
ujr annum which ia about double what the Bahrain
•Jovcrniaont io now puying to heudmustors and qualified
Icoiihioul touchers. According to the scheme there
1,0ulu be 37 masters teaching 500 boyj, on average
of l wjjtor to lob boys.
\ • ..
Tho annual roourreul coal of the college ia
.'about 3 lakhs of-rupees of which the Bahrain Govern
ment would havo to puy half. Our present normal
expenditure on education in Bahrain (13 uohools and
soverul small auxiliary schools) is about li lukho.
ihe government would have to provide iti lakhs yeurly
for the college in addition to ali lomuib education
(4 sohoolo) all the village schools and probably
schools in iiunarrtq, Hodd and Manamuh. Tho village
schools, though not speotaoular, are of real vulue
both uduoutionnlly and politically.
Tho Gulf College would confer no oenefits to
the greater pari of the population which lives in
the villagos outside tho two big towns.
in addition the government would have to puy
ooout £17,000. for building and equipment. It is
realised that a suitable building for the present
&ulliyuh will have to be built, but not at the cost
of £38,000.
12. The fee a for boarders, mentioned in section
*4, are betwoen £50 and £100. per annum. Few parents
would be found in Bahrain who would be willing to pay
this amount for their sons1 education, in Buhruin.
‘lightly or wrongly the people of Bahrain consider