Page 305 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 305

Legal atul judicial affairs             625

                                                               U '■
                      ’ !•  ••I
               ; Vk..‘ ■ziLii .y\• Bahrain,                         \
               A%\                   Dated, December 1, 1937.
                \           -/'rc;',v/

                     •• ............... ••; ’
                                  C. Dalrymplo Belgravo, Inquire, C.B.IS.,
                                     Advisor to tho Government of Bahrain,
                                                         Persian Gulf.

                            His Britannic Majesty's Political ngent,


                          I have the honour to refer to the corres­
                     pondence regarding tho Shia Shera Court ending
               Ir-   with your No. 312-G/6-V.0. dated 19th September
                          2. The present position is most unsatis­
                     factory. .The Shera Court, which consists of
                     three Qadis, is incompetent, not impartial and
                     completely under the influence of various poli­

                     tical parties who play one ^adi off-against the
                     other.   There are no suitable '‘Alims" in
                     Bahrain who could be appointed in place of the
                     present Qadis.
                          3.   The Bahrain Government decided some
                     time ago that a senior Shia Qadi or Mufti should
                     be appointed to preside over the Shera Court.
                    Efforts were made to find a suitable person in
                    Hassa but owing to the notoriously quarrelsome
                    reputation of the Shias in Bahrain none of the
                    Shia Ulemas from the mainland would take employ-

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