Page 305 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 305
Legal atul judicial affairs 625
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; Vk..‘ ■ziLii .y\• Bahrain, \
A%\ Dated, December 1, 1937.
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C. Dalrymplo Belgravo, Inquire, C.B.IS.,
Advisor to tho Government of Bahrain,
Persian Gulf.
His Britannic Majesty's Political ngent,
I have the honour to refer to the corres
pondence regarding tho Shia Shera Court ending
Ir- with your No. 312-G/6-V.0. dated 19th September
2. The present position is most unsatis
factory. .The Shera Court, which consists of
three Qadis, is incompetent, not impartial and
completely under the influence of various poli
tical parties who play one ^adi off-against the
other. There are no suitable '‘Alims" in
Bahrain who could be appointed in place of the
present Qadis.
3. The Bahrain Government decided some
time ago that a senior Shia Qadi or Mufti should
be appointed to preside over the Shera Court.
Efforts were made to find a suitable person in
Hassa but owing to the notoriously quarrelsome
reputation of the Shias in Bahrain none of the
Shia Ulemas from the mainland would take employ-