Page 309 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 309
Legal and judicial affairs 629
<^r>\ 4&C.K
No. ^357 I
?u^nG ^ke Adviser to
n? 9°v§£“Mnt, Bahrain.
Dated, Shawaal 16. 1357
December 9, 1938
c. Dalrymple B.lgrava, Esquire, C.B.E.,
Adviser totne Government of Bahrain
Hia Britannic Majesty's Political Agent,
I have the honour to refer to a matter whioh
has reoently beoome the subjeot of public oritioism,'
that is the administration of justice in Bahrain
Courts. The allegations whioh have been made by
some of the public against one of the most important
departments of the State are viewed by His Highness
and his Government with grave oonoern. Having sat
regularly for about twelve years on the senior Bahrain
Court I know, more than any one else, what the work
consists of and am acquainted with the capabilities
of the various Shaikhs who have aoted as magistrates
and also with the numerous Qadis who have sat on the
Shara' Courts as well as the members of the Majlis
2. The Courts consist of the two Bahrain Courts,
the Sunni and the Shia Shara' Courts and the Majlis
Tajara, which is an advisory body of looal merchants.
The magistrates on the Bahrain oourts are appointed
by His Highness and are members of the Ruling Family.