Page 311 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 311


                                 Legal and judicial affairs              631


             porauading suitable people to become members of this
             court. fhe ohoioe of the Bhia Bahama members is re-
             stricted owing to the faot that there   are no important
             Bahama merchants in Bahrain and the majority of the
             Bahama are unoducuted.    The only Bahama of any  oommer-

             oial and financial standing are pearl brokers and nakhudas.
                  5.   The Sunni Shar'd Court consists of three Sunni
             Qadis, they are ignorant of modern methods and have no                         .
             reul legal training,   The youngest of the trio controls
             the court.   They are slow and invariably seek for com­
             promises instead of giving judgments; this in itself is
             compatible with the ethics of Islamio law but is ourried
             to an excessive degree,   There i3 complaint about their

             dilatory methods,   Both in matters of law and in general
            matters they are ignorant, narrow minded und unprogressive,
            they are however typical of the Sunni Ulema of Bahrain.
             It is not at present desirable that the Government should
            urge any reforms in the Sunni Shar'a Court as public opinion

            on this matter is uncertain but when a suitable opportunity
            oocurs improvements will bo made.
                  6.   The main subjeot of complaint is about the Bahrain
            Court and the junior Bahrain Court.    It has never been
            suggested that these courts are corrupt,    If any grounds
            fox* such an aoousat^on existed it would certainly have been

            made.   The complaint is that the magistrates are untrained.
            The only training and experience whioh they have had   was
            acquired by those who sat with me on the Court,    It is an
            invidious statement for me to make but I feel that I should
            say  that His Highness and his brothers and the people who
            have voioed their complaints have all stated thut ii I had
            remained on the court tbo present complaints would not have
                                                               been —
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