Page 315 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 315

Legal and judicial affairs              635


              rulee, but only a few of the government proclamations

              relate to mutters which can be included in such   a code.
              The bulk of the proclamations ore about trivial and tem­
              porary matters.    The membera of the ocmmittee, after
              a few sittings, showed a lamentable lack of interest
              in their task, tho leading Arab, Khan Bahadur Abdur-
              rebinnn Zayani, very soon retired on grounds of ill health
              and tho other members constantly failed to put in an
              appearanoe.   It was deoided before the committee was

              appointed that I should not take any part in composing
              tho code,   When the oourt clerk,acted as secretary to
              the committee, went on long leave and Shaikh Abdullah
              bin Hamad went to England and the most intelligent
              member died, the committee ceased to function,   During

              their sittings however, they codified almost all the
              relevant proclamations and in addition they drafted
             numbers of rules on various subjects,    They did not
             commence work on a Penal Code nor did they propose any
             punishments for infringements of government regulations.
             The subjeots which they dealt with include diving laws,
             pearl sale, fish trap rules, bankruptcy, land regulni

             tions, division of immoveable property and pre-emption,
             all rules and regulations which are now in foroe in
             Bahruin Courts,    Yftiat is now more essential than oodi-
             fying proclamations or adopting a criminal code is the
             preparation of rules for oourt procedure and the oonduot
             of cases and instruction to the magistrates.    A local

             ooininittee is incapable oi doing this v/ork.
                  10.   If the young Khalifah Shaikhs are given ins­
             truction in the duties of magistrates, if the procla­
             mation? which havo been codified are edited and published
             und some existing criminal code is modified and made suit­
             able for loottl needs, there will remain no cause for
             genuine complaints.   These things cunnot be done without
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