Page 312 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 312

632                        Records of Bahrain


                     been mude.   I' know that this is true,   It has
                     however boon the polioy of this government to
                     encourage the members of the Ruling family to

                     tuko an interest in public affairs by appointing
                     them to positions of responsibility such ns raagis-
                     trates on their courts.   The degrees of ability
                     of the various Shaikhs depend not on their education,
                     because almost without exception they are uneducated,
                     but on the amount of commonsense whioh they possess
                     and on their ability to resist outside influence.

                     In this respect I would refer to a note written by
                     the Political Agent of whioh I have a oopy, No. C/656
                     of 14th September 1937.                               faxs-Jv'
                           7.   The chief fault of the lower Bahrain Court

                      is that the magistrates try to avoid the responsi­
                     bility of giving judgments by transferring any many
                     as possible of the oases to the Majlis Tajara and the
                      Shore oourts.   The oases whioh they deal with are
                     badly reoorded and without considered judgments. This
                      oourt deals almost entirely with civil oases.   There

                      is however the right of appeal from judgments in the
                      lower oourt to the court immediately above it, but
                      appeals are infrequent.
                           8.   The Bahrain Court is the highest of the
                      Bahrain courts, it deals with civil and criminal
                      cases including oapital offences and oivil claims whioh

                      have often amounted to lakhs of rupees in one case.
                      From my experience on this court I oan state that many
                      of the oases are very complicated and difficult to
                      dooide and for competent handling of cases it is essen­
                      tial thut the magistrates should have some legal train-
                      ing.   Tho court has to deal with a groat vuriety of
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