Page 307 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 307
Legal and judicial affairs 627
to. 26/1357.
jbese are the duties which the Shla Kadhis must follows-
The Kadhis must not hear any cases or undertake any Judicial
,ork outside the department, except "Nikah or Talaq" (contract of
carriage or divorces), which must later be registered, serially,
in the register maintained in the department for this purpose.
2. No judgement given by them, what ever it may be, will be
passed unless they all agree to it or it must be referred to Kadhi
3. The Kadhis must attend the department 4 days in a week.
4. No countersignature made by them on a «Wakla«, "Y/ilayah",
•tfasiyah" or any agreement, even the contract of marriage and divorces
illl be contidered valid unless they agree to it in the Department
only- not outside the Department - Such countersignature must be stam
ped by the Court Stamp.
5. Any judgement not agreed to amongst them should be referred
lo Shara Tanyez Court, and similarly If they, find any difficult
problem which they cannot solve thejn can of their own accord submit
It to the said Court, Also any Judgement agreed to amongst them but
rejected by anyone litigant, must be submitted to the said Court.
Ms is according to the rules followed in appeal cases.
6. The Kadhis must stay In the place of Kada and not go about in
the country and villages, whether alone or together, except on holi
days or for urgent work which can be quickly done, or after obtaining
special permission from the Ruler or Kadi Tanyez.
7. The kadhis are Borbidden to take any cash fee for conter-
signing «Y/asayas", WIlayas" judgement or any other thing. They are
hB forbidden to interfere in ny/asayas" or"V/ilayas", except whether
such t|Y/iljtastt are valid or not. It Is not their duty also to ask the
administrators or guardians to explain the way they spent the money
under their administration.
8. They are forbidden to be plaintiffs in Shara Court or
witnesses for the parties, even if they were actually witnesses
before. 1 They are forbidden to demonstrate or contend with the
litigants, They are forbicden to accept any present which is
a bribe.
9. Any Kadhi who infringes any of these rules will be punished
before the Bahrain Court and Kadhi Taityez, and judgement will be pass
’d according to what Is proved to them from the evidence and the
10. The Government only have the right to appoint a clerk for
the Kadhis who must be capable in writing and in managing the depart
ment. No one has any right to interfere in this matter.
U. The clerk will be responsible for managing the department
maintaining the books and registers. The Kadhis will be respon
se for seeing that the clerk does not turn lazy, unable to work,
’f careless In managing the department.