Page 281 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 281


                           The progress oj state education, 1939-1941     601
                                    - 11 -

           Alargo number of lonflots, booklets, and other publications, supp­
         ed by tho Agency and by the British Council, havo boon distributed in

         ). schools'. Tho so printed in Arabic are oagorly road, but those printed
          English aro practically useless. The reasons for this will be given in
         ]t opocial report on the subject, which you have nakod me to write.

           In conclusion I am glad to bo able to suy that fivo months' actual
         jpsricncc of Bahrain schoolboys has confirmed the impression recorded on
         ge 69 of the Sopteinbcr Report, to tho offect that Bahrain boys are of an

         itelligont type, callable of boing educated up to a high standard,  Their
         liners, bearing, mid gonaral behaviour aro good, -thoy are obedient and
         uious to learn, and I havo no doubt at all that if only we oon aocure a

         zber of really competent masters to teach thorn, wo shall soon be turning
         it boys vho vill compare favourably, us regards thoir general education,           i
        Ith those of uny other Arab State.

                                  I have tho honour to bo, Sir,
                                     Your obedient and humble servant,

                                                  Director of Education.

          Since writing this Report I have had a conversation with the recently-
        frointod State Medical Officer, on the subject of school health in Bahrain.
          Snow expressed his complete agreement with mo as to the inadequacy of

        hlcly visits to schools by medical officors, and told me that he intended
        .• visit overy village school three timos a woelc, and to troat the boys him-
        •If,  This will be a splendid contribution towards solving tho educational
        r°blom in Bahrain, whioh is closely connected with tho problem of health.
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