Page 273 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 273
The progress of state education, 1939-1941 593
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Tho vcxod quootion of boating in tho schools was thoroughly oxaminod,
gj the oxorciso of corporal puniohraont has novr boon strictly rogulariood,
, tho linos laid down in tho Soptembor Hoport p.52.
A sorios of short articlos, supplied by the Education Office, was
sdntod in the local Arabic newspaper oarly this year (P.67), The artioles
i-re designed
(1) To bring home to tho public and to the schoolmasters and
schoolboys the exact nature of the deficiencies in thfcfcr
system of education.
(2) To define the appropriate roraodios, and to ask for tho
help and support of all concerned, in putting them into
(3) To point out to tho schoolboys the groat opportunities
(chiefly in the service of oil companies) awaiting those
of them who would submit themselves to a short course of
technical training ; to stross tho equal nobility of
manual work with any othor kind of work ; and to ask
Government schoolboys not to be too proud to Join the
Technical School.
Tho urticlos wore well received by tho public, and there was an imm-
#iato response from the boys, in the form of a number of applications for
'Uces in tho Technical School.
Five ex-students of tho Carpentry Section of the Technical School,who
^ completed their training, wore engaged by the Education Office as
Celling car j^pnters, and are still engaged in going round tho schools
pairing tho desks, doors, windows, etc., which, owing to long neglect,
in a stato of very groat delapidation (P.ll)«
Tho whole of Uunnwah School, which was very dark msiae, nas boon
Nfihtened, by tho method of whitewashing all tho walls and ceilings of the
WassroomB, and tho same plan is to bo carried out at all the other sohoola^