Page 266 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 266

586                        Records of Bahrain

            Confidential                                 <>'|S
                                                       Political Agency,
                 No.C/418 - 4/16.
                                               Bahrain, the 15th May 1940.

                              BUSH I RE RESIDENCY.
                              No    Sfcd...... ”...
                              Date...... V.I.sJ&.o. .......
                                c otTf! d e fV T !.vl_ 1 ? li co iTo3

                         H.Weightman, Esquire, I.C.3.  i
                              Political Agent, Bahrain.

                         The Honourable tho Political Resident
                              in the Persian Gulf, Bushire.

                         Sub.iect Bahrain Education.

                         I have the honour to forward herewith a report dated the

                  9th May 1940 submitted by Mr. Vallance, the Director of Education
                  in Bahrain, on the progress made so far towards the reform of the
                  educational system of this State.
                    2. . When handing thi3 report to me the Adviser to the Bahrain
                  Government remarked that he feared I might think that the
                  reforms instituted so far were somewhat meagre. In actual fact
                  I am far from holding this opinion. When Mr. Vallance arrived

                  to take up hi3 duties in Bahrain I was particularly•insistent
                  that he should take time to assimilate the atmosphere of Bahrain,
                  to obtain a clearer view of the needs and possibilities of the
                  place, and to begin by attempting to lead public opinion gently
                   towards a more reasonable perspective of the uses of education
                  •and the means by which its maximum benefits could be assured.
                  Bearing these considerations in mind my View is that a most
                   excellent beginning has been made.

                     3.   The early part of Mr. Vallance1 s report deals with what
                  may be dedeeibed a3 tho overhaul of the machinery of the
                                                                department ./-
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