Page 62 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
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384                       Records of Bahrain

                         Mo:C/411-0/9.                          Political Agency,
                        n                                  Bahrain, the 10th July 1935.

                                      Captain G.A.Cole, I.A.,
                                         Officiating Political Agent, Bahrain.
                                      The honourable the Political Resident
                                                    in the Persian Gulf, Bushire.

                                   I have the honour to forward in triplicate the Annual

                         Report of the Bahrain Government for 1353 and the Budget Estimates
                         for 1354.
                              2.   During the year 1353 the reserve was increased to Rupees
                         three lakhs, which were placed on fixed deposit with the Eastern
                         Bank limited, Bombay. Towards the end of the year a deposit of
                         Rupees one lakh fell due and was not re-invested. The local branch
                         of the Eastern Bank Limited, which acts as the Government Treasury,
                          asked the State authorities to increase the amount of their current

                         account in Bahrain in return for the work which the Bank was doing
                          for the Government. This amount was , therefore, paid into the
                          current account of the Bahrain Government and the reserve still
                          remains at Rupees two lakhs.
                              3.   During 1354 the State should receive substantial sums
                          from The Bahrain Petroleum Company Limited on account of payments
                          from royalties on oil. In this connection I think the time has
                          come for some definite decision to be made in regard to (a) the
                          Civil List and, (b) the Reserve.

                                    In regard to (a) • The Civil List at present appropriates
                          approximately 50# of the revenues of the State. It is further
                          Inflated by the arrangement whereby royalties from oil are shared
                          on a basis of l/3rd to the Civil List and 2/3rds to the State.
                          It is true that this arrangement will eventually reduce the
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