Page 65 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 65
Revenue-expenditure budgets 387
administration and running of tho State. The
expenditure for 1355 ia estimated at Rs 43,000/-
moro than the corresponding expenditure during
1354 owing to the restoration of outa and
increased expenditure in oertain Bervioea.
The anticipated revenue from all eouroea other
than oil royalty ia not at present sufficient
to oervor the normal annual expenditure, Ri 880,000/-
oil royalty, ia inaluded in the Budget, In addi-
tion to the usual Budget a supplementary Budget
hao been mdo providing for the expenditure of
Rs 1,64,000/- from the aurplua at the oloae of
the year 1354 after transferring Rs 2,0QP(?0/-
(two laoa) to the Reserve Fund.
Revenue. Oustoms receipts, Rs 6,00,000/-.
Although in the past financial year there
has undoubtedly been an improvement in trade,
yot the revenue from oustoma duties, boat and
pearling lioenses is estimated during the new
year at not more than Rs 6,00,000/- which is
Rs 80,000/- more than the amount shown under this
heading in the 1354 Budgst, and Hi 91,000/- less
than the aotu&l amount collected in 1354. Owing
to the reduction in the R.E. duty and the continued
depression in the pearl trade Which affeots the
yield from boat and poarl taxos, I have not con
sidered it wise to assume that more than six laos
will bo oolleoted.
Royalty on oil. Ri 8,80,000/-. This sum
represents the royalty due to the State on oil
which ha8 been shipped since the last payment
of royalty by the Bahrain Petroleum Company until
the end of the year 1354. It represents revenue