Page 68 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 68
390 Records of Bahrain
h 1,64,000/- on special projoota and tho remain
ing Rt 1,11,000/- will bo oot ueide for unfor-
aoon expenditure or to bo oxponded lator in
the year by anothor Supplomontary Budget.
Tho unti-malarial laeaaureo provided for
in the Budget consist of draining and filling
in arouo containing stagnant mosquitoe brooding
wator. These measures aro in addition to tho
spraying with oil which is now being carried out
by tho Polioe and Municipal authorities.
The sower at Hedd is a long filthy drain
running throurfi the oentre of the town whioh is
probably the oause of muoh of the fever in that
plaoe. The ohannel, whioh is wide, will be
filled in and made into a ouoh needed road.
The two ponds, one north woBt of the Fort, the
other near the Juma mosque at Jedhafe oontain
stagnant water whioh increases and diminishes
according to tho amount of rain.
Last year the Man amah municipality, though
very short of funds, Bpent Bj 4,000/- in filling
in some of the water pits aouth of the town.
This year the Government oan afford to assist
the municipality in continuing this useful rork.
The money spent on these schemes will all be
spent looally on labour and stone, The muni-
oipalities will be aslad by the Government to
undertake-most of this work.
Mldioftj. Until now the Government of
Bahrain has spent comparatively little on medioal
work the bulk of whioh has bean carried out by
tho —