Page 70 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 70

392                       Records of Bahrain


                                  workoro v»il 1 bo undor tho ouperviaion of tho
                                  Quarantine Uodioal Officor.
                                       Education. Two email country eohoola are
                                  to be opened, ono at Bitruh and ono at Burri.
                                  Those schools will satisfy the demando of tho
                                  Shias who complain, with some justification,
                                  thut while government eohools have been estab-

                                  liahed in the towne whioh aro mostly Sunni the
                                  educational noedB of the Shia oomraunity have not
                                  been provided for. Only reading writing and si
                                  simple arithmetic vd.ll be taujhlTin the oountry
                                       Efforts aro boing made to introduce teohnioal
                                  instruction in the Lianamah and Uuharraq boys  i
                                  schools.   There is today in Bahrain a great
                                  demand for oarpentera and msohanios and if boya
                                  could loarn vjork of thia kind at the echoolB it
                                  wuld be of more practical use to them than the

                                  type of education whioh they are getting now.
                                       Provision has been mado for the possibility
                                  of sending six more boyB from the Government
                                  aohools to Bey rout University.
   t                                   Publio V/orkB.  A new ouatom house including a
 _                                flat for the ouatoma Direotor is to be built on
                                  the shore opposite the open apace faoing the north
                                  end of the Barrett road.   The present building is

                                   in a dangerous state of disrepair,   Originally
                                   it was badly built on reolained ground and evi­
   1 ■
                                  dently the foundations were, not carried down to
                                   the bed rook.  It has constantly been repaired
                                   with no permanent suooess. The offices are dark
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