Page 72 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 72

394                       Records of Bahrain


                              advantagos of this schomo io that all tho money
                              is spent looally.

                                   4.   The rovunue of Bahrain in 1354 has
                              onoo again reached tho levol whioh it was ton
                              years ago and not for a long time has the Stato
                               oomploted a year with suoh a satisfactory surplus.
                               I think it oan now be reasonably aosumed that
                               the lean years have paosod and that a period of
                               finanoial prosperity io beginning,   Neither now
                              nor at any timo during the anxious period of
                               finanoial depression has this State inourred
                               finanoial liabilities suoh as loans,   In the
                               time of prosperity a Reserve Fund was started

                               and when in spite of all efforts and drastic economies
                               the revenue wub insufficient to oovor the expendi­
                               ture the Reserve Fund was drawn upon in order
                               to carry on the normal administration of the
                                   5.   Tlie new prosperity is from the royalty
                               on oil, without this royalty it would still be
                               impossible to balance the Budget and to pay fbr
                               the administration of the country,   Oil is an
                               uncertain faotor and its production depends not

                               only on the available supply but on the world
                               markets.   I oonsidor that it is more essential now
                               than it has ever been before to build up a really
 -I                             large reserve whioh besides providing a steady
                               income will be available if for any reason the
                               production of oil is restricted and the revenue
                               from oil dwindles to the minimum royalty whioh
                                                              is al).-----
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