Page 69 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 69
Revenue-expenditure budgets 391
tho Amorioan Modioal Missionaries and tho
Quarantine Hodioal Offioor. There io a very
otrong fooling among tho Arabs thut tho Bahrain
Government ohould havo ito own hoopital and
modioal staff. Tho quoation ia undor oonsi-
doration and whon fundo aro available doubtless
a Government hoopital will be Btartod. In the
moantimo tho Government proposoo to open dis-
ponsarioo, which will be run on tho lines of the
Government diopensary in Muharraq, in various
places in Bahrain.
A dispensary for woman and children ia to
bo opened on the western quarter of Manamah,
on the edge of the town whioh it io hoped will
be used not only by the people of Manamah but
by the people from tho near villages suoh as
Ueni, Zinj, etc. An Iraqi woman who has worked
as a nurse in the Basrah hospital will bo put in
charge of thio dispensary.
A dispensary will be opened in Hedd in a
building whioh was aoquired by the Government
some years ago. A local Arab with considerable
medical experience who has worked for the Govern
ment on previous occasions will be employed as a
A similar dispensary is to be opened at Bilad-
al-Qadim, whioh is a fairly central position#
Tho Government is advertising in India for\a suitable
man to carry out this work. It ia proposed that
he shall bo provided with a oar to. enable to
visit the neighbouring villages on oertainf iays
of the week. All the dispensaries and thjp medical
•y \.
worked —