Page 71 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 71
Revenue-expenditure budgets 393
and inconvenient and tho building io oversha
dowed by tho high now buildings which have
sprung up around it. Tho accomodation in
tho now building for the publio and tho staff
will bo almost double thut available in the
old office.
Barraok room. A sooond barrack room
similar to tho one Y/hioh was made two years
ago is to be built in tho Fort. These two
rooms will aooomodate all tlie men who are
normally quartered there. The old rooms now
oooupied by the Polioe are in a bad state of
ropair, The main wall of the Fort, whiah
is made of mud and stones frequently oollapses
and needB immediate attention.
Palaoe wall. A wall is to be built in
front of the Palaoe enclosing a large square on the
north of the building, ornamental trees will be
planted at the Bouth west and south east oorners
flanking the building and there will be gates at the
oorners of the wall. By theoe means the approaoh
to tho palaoe will be improved and it will no longer
present an appearance of isolated ugliness.
Shop and of floe. A shop and an office are to
be built on the oorner of Prior road and Barrott
road behind the present customs house,
Manamah Muharraq road. It is proposed that
within tho first half of the year this road will
bo completed as far as the dtdp ohannel. The
amount allowed for completion of this work is more
than will be required, the balanoe will be used in
the beginning to fill in the ohannel, one of the
advantages —