Page 63 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 63
Revenue-expenditure budgets 385
percentage of the Civil List to total rovenuo. Two much reliance,
however, should not be placed on revenues from oil due to marketing
difficulties and fluctuations. I think it would be wise to limit
the Civil Li3t to a definito percentage of normal revenues now.
•Should oil royalties decrease it is more than possible that the
corresponding decrease in the Civil List would be made good from
normal revenues to the detriment of the State.
In regard to (b). It has been urged on various occasions
in the past that the State should endeavour to build up a reserve
equal to a year*s normal income. I recommend that this should
again be impressed on the Ruler.
4. I wish particularly to draw your attention to page 6,
paragraph 7.
I have the honour to be
Your most obedient servant,
Officiating Political Agent,