Page 308 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
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Persian and Turkish claims to Bahrain, 1870-1874 299
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tomptod to break tbo blockado, you represented to mo that you wero tho bearor of
certain lottora to tho address of Sheikh Mahomed bon Abdullah, and which you
believed to omnnnto from tho Sheikh ofDayor and others.- As you wished to hand
tlioso lettors to Ilor Majosty’s Sonior Naval Ofiiccr and myself, wo formally
rccoivcd ohargo of them, and made thorn over to Sheikh Mahomed ben Abdullah
Ajn porson, without any break of seal.
It is agrcoablo to mo to inform you that tho blockado of Bahroin is now con
cluded, and that tho Arab vessel on which you aro a-board can proceed when
and where sho likes.
Dated 8th December 1809.
Telegram from—Colonf.i. Ppj.t.t,
To—Tho Political Secretary, Bombay.
Your telegram of 24th Novombor. Kathor than tako final possession of lettors,
it scorned simplor to accept transmitting charge, and hand them in statu quo
to addreBseo, Maboraod bon Abdullah, who in turn has favored mo with them.
Tho lottora thomsolvos assert Mchdeo Khan to bo doputed to tho Persian ports
and islands, but there is no diroct Firman from Shah's Government. Mchdeo
Khan’s letter to Mahomed bon Abdullah congratulates him on his dcscont on
Dahroin, and sanctions his appointment to rulership of Bahrein. A subsequent
lettor from Mohdcc lChan, addressed to mo after learning my arrival at Bahrein, is
at varianco with his previous communication. I am bringing all these letters
to Bombay for consideration of Government, and meantime mako no reply to
Mchdoo Khau.
No. 150, dated KM*STjg.
From—Tho British Agent, Lingah.
Ycatorday a Baggarah caino from Nubaud and brought nows that a forco of
100 raon had como from Persia (meaning tho intorior), and brought an order to
Ilaydcr Khan and other Chiofs (Governors) to collect an army to proceed by sea
to Bahroin. Tho Persians (soldiers) aro at Payer, and Hayder Khan has collected
500 or moro men, and kept two Ghouchahs (boats) to embark the men in. Ono
Ghouchah belongs to Abdul Mahomed, a subject under Ilaydor Khan, and tho
othor belongs to a man of Kaugoon, who is residing at Liugah.
Haydor Khan is trying to got a third Ghouchah.