Page 307 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
P. 307

298                        Records of Bahrain

                                                            ( 8 J
                                                     Dated 24th November 18C0.
                                            Telegram from—Political Secretary,
                                            To—The Commandor of Nymph, for Colonel Pclly.
                               ^ ^ As Mchdcc Khan Iiob no authority from Persian Govornment, take possession

                                                        Dated *<th f****^"
                                                            2s'lVNorctnUcr IM9*
                                            Prom—Miiua Mf.hdp.e Kuan, Sahibe!*,
                                            To—The Resident, Persian Gulf.
                                  I am appointed by His Majesty the Shah’s Government for regulating tho
                              affairs of tho ports and islands in tho Persian Gulf.
                                  I arrived a littlo ago at Shiraz. The occurrences at Bahrein—the murder of
                              Sheikh Ali, and tho plunder of tho property of Persian subjects—were brought to
                              iny notico by the pcoplo of Bahrein, Bushiro, and others, and tho British  mcr-
                               chants residing at Bahrein.
                                  It was roprosonted accordingly to His Royal Highness tho Ycmccn-ood-
                              Dowlch, Prince Governor Goncral of Pars.
                                  For tho time being, and in viow to put matters into order until pormunent
                              arrangements could be made, a “ Uukum” was issued by His Royal Highness (o
                              Mahomed ben Abdullah, who was at tho timo acting ns Chief at Bahrein.
                                  1 myself wrote a letter to that Chief, and sent it,by the hands of Ilnjco
                              Abd Alee, so that after receipt of a roply, and information regarding the facts of
                              the ease, such measures as should appear necessary might be taken. The circum­
                              stances, as above detailed, wero also submitted for the information of tho ministers
                              of His Majesty’s Government.
                                  "When I arrived at Payer for making arrangements, strict ordors nrrivod from
                              llis Majesty’s Government for measures to be takon for tho recovery and restora­
                              tion of property plundered from British, Peraian, and other subjects, and for
                              arranging tho affairs of tho Island of Bahrein itself.
                                  I used ray best endeavours to organize and proparc such force and means ns
                              appeared necessary for the rccovory of tho plundered proporty, and tho punish-
                              mont of tho perpetrators of tho net.
                                  Meantime, I learnt that you had arrived at Bahrein with two or threo war
                              vessels for tho recovery of tho property plundered from British subjects by tho
                              Arabs, and that you intended proceeding on to Katccf.
                                  I am glad to find that your views, and tho object for which I am appointed,
                              coincide, and therefore I doom it necessary to address you on the subject.
                                  For tho recovery of tho plundered proporty, and for carrying out this object,
                              sea and land forces nro required.
                                  On account of tho friendship existing between the two exalted Governments,
                              you havo brought up tho Naval Force, and got it ready.
                                  I have also prepared laud aud sea forces at JDuyor. On rocoipt of your roply
                              to this letter, I will movo. Pieaso God, wo shall both bo able to rccovor tho pro­
                              perty pluudercd from Porsinn and British subjects, and shall inflict such punish­
                              ment on tho perpetrators of tho act as may ho deemed necessary.
                                  After tlio completion of tho above arrangements, tho right to appoint n Chid
                              would rest with tho Porsinn Government, *aud they will appoint any person whom
                              they deem fit. An early reply would obligo.

                                                        T)n»«,l 97lh Alitibin IMO
                                        From—Lirut.-Colonel Lewis Felly,
                                        To—IIajee Add Albe, oj board Arab "Dhow” of Monnmah.
                                  Having had occasion, in conformity with tho ordors of Ilor Majesty's Indian
                              Government, to detain tho armed vosscl on which you are a-board, and which at*
                                 • Literal trnmtotion.—Tho lVrmn flovArnmcnl'n Miniitor* will innkc Arrmigcit.cnU for llio Uowunicntof lluhi**"
                              in accohImico ivilli Icrritoriiil tIkI'I*. "ml will nj.jHjint mij jtmon whom limy .loom fll.

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