Page 302 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
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Persian and Turkish claims to Bahrain, 1870-1874 293
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Bahrein, 'and thaj ho lifts "inoro'. rccontly beon omplo/e'd rfs A’ CSiiof SccretH^, or
in other high position, in. the Peraian Foreign Officp nt Teheran.'.. Further, that
tho correspdndcnco ’which, during tho past year,' has had placo between Her
Majesty'll Government and that of tho Shah, oonSequent- on our'proceedings
•t»at Bahrein in 1808,..loavos no room for doubting that asserts)
deputing Mohdeo Khan to Bahrein, and in confirming the Pirnto Chiof Mahoraod
bon 'Abdullah in his Tutorship of that island, tho Govornmont of. tho Shah .must
havo acted doliboratcly, and with full cognizance of tho bearings of their proceed
ings on tho policy of Her Majesty's Indian Government in tho Peraian Gulf.
13. It is not of much importance, but may at the sarao timo bo interesting
to gather from tho roport of our Native Agent on the Persian Const, corroborativo
testimony of a movo on tho part of the Persians towards Bahrein. I thcroforo
bog to. annex trartslntod purport of a let tor I havo received from the Agent.'
Memo, of an interview between Colonel, Resident in the Persian Gulf, and
Captain Douglas, Senior OJJiccr of Ucr Majesty's Ships present, on thf. pne
part, and the chief person on board an Arab " Buy la" detained off Bahrein
while attemptiny to break the blockade.
On the 19th November, at about 2 i\ m., an armed ,l Bugla,” flying Aral) colors,
hoyo in sight, and from time to time fired guns. She was about to pass Ilcr Majesty’s
Ship Daphne when she was stopped in common with other craft, Bahrein boirig'
blockaded in conformity with His Excellency's telegram of ldith November 1869.
The *' Bugla” bcing boarded, the Supercargo, namod Moolla Abdur Rahman,
camo on board, and stated that the* “ Bugla” had come from Dayor, and carried ortc
UnjQ.° Abd Alee, who boro an order from the Governor General of Pars for the
investment of Mahomed ben Abdullah with a dress of honor, and for copfirmjng
him in tho Chieftainship of Bahrein. A few minutes afterwards,Tlajeo Abd Alco
-himself 'camo'on board, and stated that ho bore a letter from the! GoVornor
.Qoncrnl of Pars for Mahomed ben Abdullah, and that ono Mirza Mchdoe Khan,
•who had formerly been sent to Bahrein as Ambassador, had orders to ombark
•for Bahrein, and had requested tho. Chiefs of Dash toe to assist him iii sending
a Doputy instead of going himsolf. Mirza Melulco Khan at the present time'is
.himself remaining at Daycr.
-Question.—How is it, if you aro a Persian Envoy and eubjeot, that you aro
sailing under Arab colors ?
Atifitpet;.—We always fly the Arab flags. • • . v
Question.—You atato that Mirza Mehdoo Khan is tho man deputod by the
.provincialapthqrity^of Ears as an.Envoy to Bahrein; if so, how is it that he is
not.horOjq.ndllmfc you. aro. Iicr.p?
* Answer.-—That Mirza Mohdec.Khan had brought with him lottcrs from tho
provincial authorities to tho Chiof .'of. Daycr, ordering him to afford assistance,
and the Chief of Dayor sent mo across hero.
Question.—Have you any lettors of crcdotico from tho Shah’s Government ?
Answer.—I have no Authority from tho Persian Government. I arfi bimply
tho deputy'of5 Hay dor Khan............... / ;.; * •;
The Rooident and Senior Naval Officer inform Hojeo Abd Alco tliat, under
tho order of their Government,* Bahrein is at present blookadcd.
Upon this Jlnjco-Abd Alco'states that.ho has' got a Rukum ond a dress
of honor for Mahomed ben Abdullah.'
■’ Question.—Do you know- wliut tho Rukum contains? • : • ••
Answer.—Yes; it is an ordor to'Mahomed bon Abdullah' to remain at'dnso,
and to confido in tho support of tho Persian Qovornmontto1 consider that
. Bahrein has always belonged to Persia; tlmt ho ia n Porsian'subject, and that
any men or aid ' ho "requires will bo'givon him from 'Driyor' And olhor Porsian
porln, whoso Chiefs hhvc 'orders to uct'u'cfeordingly. " * » ' •