Page 304 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
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Persian and Turkish claims to Bahrain, 1870-1874 295
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Abd Aleo compliod with tlio request immediately, and gavo ono Rukum to
Mahomed ben Abdullah ben Ah mod and four lettors. Tho Rukim^xs in an
open unaddressed envelope, and placed between tho folds of a prcsonta|§ffi&8hawl.
Tlio other letters wero in sealed envelopes, and addressed to MalWncd ben
Abdullah ben Ahmed. Hajoo Abd Aleo said tho throo lettors woro from Mirza
iMchdeo Khan, Hydor Khan, and Mahomed Khan. Abd Aleo proposod to surrender
the shawl also, but the Resident and Senior Officer declined to rccoivo it,' the ordors
of Governmont tonding only to letters.
Hnjco Abd Aleo stated ho had no other papers, and desired that his boxes
might bo searched. Thoy wero, however, only casually looked into.
Tho abovo lettors wero mado ovor by tlio Rosident and Sonior Naval Officer
to tho nddrcsseo in porson, on the first occasion of their having an intorview with
him, viz.y 2nd Dccombcr. Tho letters were made ovor in tho sanio condition as that
iu which they had been received from Ilajcc Abd Alee.
Translated purport of a Rukum.
T* , l n,0*b >M0.
. Dated OcMiM:
From—His Royal Highness Mussood Mirza, Yemeen-ood-Dowleu, Governor
General of Fars,
To—Sheikh Mahomed ben, Chief of Bahrein.
Tho circumstances of what happened to the do&condauts of Khalifoh, and
tho measures takon by you for tho care and protection of tho subjeots of Bahrein,
have been represented to us.
As tho rulorship of Bahrein had in former years been in the hands of your
forefathers and ancestors, and as your own personal ability and merits havo
bcou brought to our favorable notice, we havo sanctionod your appointment to
tho rulerslup; and by issuing this "Rukum" of honor to you, wo direct that you
will permanently, and with good bohaviour, bo engaged in tho administration of
Bahrein and in tho supervision and care of its subjects, and thus romain iu
every respect easy, in mind.
"VYo havo also issued orders to ll'nydor Khan, tho Chief of Daycr, to look
aftor your affairs, and to carry out without delay any request or representation
you may make to him.
Mirza Mchdcc Khan, “Sarteep,” has becu under ordors from His Majesty
the Shah appointed for the superintendence of affairs of all tho porta and *
islands in the Persian Gulf, and for making certain arrangements necessary for
thoso places. lie will shortly reach Dayor, and will according to orders make
also tho necessary arrangements for the government of Bahrein, and for the per-
mancnco of your rule. ____________
Dated , Olh flh»sb»n 1280.
From—Mirza Mehdbe Khan,
To —SiiEiKn.Mahomed ben Abdullah.
I had been appointod, under order from Ilia Majesty tho Shah, for tho nrrango-
ment of all tho affairs, great or small, of the ports and islands of tho Persian
Gulf, and particularly of that of Bahrein.
Meantime, I learnt tho circumstances of what liappoucd at Bahrain—tho mur*
dor, plunder, imprisonmont, and everything else tliat occurred in connection with
tho descendants of Khalifoh ; also of your descent on Bahroin to roraody matters,
and of your establishing yourself in ' tho Government, and I thanked God for tho
latter. I submitted to His Royal'Highness Sultan Mussood Mirza, tho Ycmccn-
ood-Dowloh, Governor General of tho Provinco of Fars, that sinco tho Govern
ment of Bahrein had formorly been in tho hands of Shoikh Abdullah bon Ahmed,