Page 332 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 332
Statement showing the Total Valtte of Principal Article* exported from the Portt on the Arab
Coast of the Persian Gulf during the ytare 1809, 1000, and 1001—continued.
1899. 1000. 190L
rrinrip»lartl<*!+« and principal
countries to wtlchexported.
Quantity. Value. Quantity* Value. Quantity. Value.
Provisions—eontd. 1I«. Rs. IU.
Other sorts —
Tiirkoj . 600 owts. 2,010 550 ewts. 1,925 600 cwts. 1,900
Bahrein . . 3,90S „ 14,010 3,BOO „ 12,250 3.500 „ 12,030
Persian Porti « 3,000 „ 9,01)0 2,500 „ 8,750 2.500 „ 8.800
Bhabk Fins—
Persian Ports • 3,000 3,000 3,500
Shells (Mothzr-o'-Pearl)—
Persian Ports . • 4,000 ewts. 09.990 2,000 cwts. 31,000 2,000 owts. 35,000
Bahrein • . 210 bdls. 5,505 2*10 cwto. 4,800 250 bdls. 6,000
Persian Ports . 4i0 „ 11,010 450 „ 9,000 500 * 10,000
Woollen Goods—
Other sorts. Cloaks, etc.-
Turkey ... ICO pieces 2,400 160 pieces 2.400 200 pieces 3,000
Maskat • • ICO 2,400 150 2,250 300 M 4£iO
Zanzibar • . 80 „ N 1,300 75 ft ft 1.125 60 „ 760
Bahrein . • • 520 f» 8,010 600 it 9,000 700 „ 10,500
Persian Ports • • 1,650 „ 24,990 1,000 „ 24,000 2,000 „ 30,000
Turkey • • 80,070 C0.0O0 • •• 65.000
Alaekat . • &,25.075 1,80,000 2.00.000
Bahrein • 19.9S0 15,200 16.000
Ptrsian Ports . 1,00,075 1,05,000 1,15,000
Articles not specified
31 at k at • • • • 9,990 j I • •• 8,500 10,000
Bahrein . • • • 2,505 ' 2,100 3.000
Persian Ports • • • 3,010 2,000 3.000
Total of all Articles . 84,78,800 j ••• 47,76,480 63,30,760
Total value of Exports to
Principal Countries—
Tarkey • • e 85,600 65,325 2,76,700
Alaskat • • • • 3 AQ&uO 2,67.770 750
Zanzibar • • • 1,125 47,350
Bahrein - • • • 51,000 44,250 • H
Persian Ports * • • 80,00,500 43,97.010 62,34^50
Total ••v 84,78.800 ••• 47,76,480 66.30,760