Page 334 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 334


                    Statement showing the Total Vaim: of Principal Artichs imported into the rode on the Arab
                           Coatt of the Persian Gulf during the years 1S99, 1900, and 1901—continmd.
                                                If 09.          WOO.             1001.
                      Prlnr|r*l irllrlra and principal
                      lOuolrics from which Imported.
                                           Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  alue.
                                                      Its.            Rs.              Rs.
                    COTTOH (SAW-)—
                       India .   .          KO la’cs   3,900   J00 bales   3.000  100 bales   4.000
                       Persian Potts •      150 „    6,(XX)  150 „    0,000  160 „    0,500
                     Yarn anl Twist —
                       India .   .          25 cwts.   1,300  25 cu ts   1,600   25 cwts.   1,600
                       rcteian Ports .      200 „   13.1*80  200 „   13,980  260 „   17,475
                       Turkey •         • ' 32.000 cuts.  1,89,160  20.000 cu ts.  50.000  20.000 cu ts.   50.000
                       Mn*kat .   •     • : 35.000 „  1,21.500  20.0u0 „  20,000 „  CO,OOJ
                       Bahrein .   .       5,*>00 „  10.600  3,000 „  li .000   3.000 „  12.000
                       Persian Ports .    33.600 „  1.50,000  25.000  „  1,00,(.00  25.000  „  1,00,000
                     Dale Juice—
                       Turkey •   a         200 cuts.   1,500  150 cwt«.   750  150 cwts.   750
                       Moskat .             365 „    2.-100  300 „    2.500   300 „   1,500
                       Bahrein .   .        100 „     750    50 ^      160   60 „      250
                       Persian Ports •      350 „    1,950  3U0 „     1.500  300 „    1,500
                    DBCOS ASX) Mbdicikes—
                       Persian Ports   .    • ••                       100             103
                       Persian Ports •   .   .  210 bottles  210  200 bottles  200  200 bottles  200
                       Peraiau Ports                  225              225             200
                     Other s:rts drugs, ttc.— |   !
                       India                20 cuts. .   730   20 cu's.  750  20 cuts.   750
                       Persian Ports •   ,   •  400 „  12,COO  400 „  12,600  •100 „  12.000
                    DYEING AND COLOCBIRG
                     M ATBBIALS —
                     Jnti ig<
                       Perriao Ports •     102 outs. •  20,400  160 cwts.  20,000  100 cwts.  20,000
                     Colours and Points—   i
                       India *   .   .     102 drums   510  100 drums  600  100 drums   5rt>
                       Persian Ports   •   •  102     510  100         600  100 „      300
                                               N                »»
                     Other s',rts oj dyting, etc.
                      India                ICO cuts.   2.100  150 cuts   1,970  150 cuts.   1,970
                      I’eraiau Ports   .   •  350 „  8,850  850 „     8,850  360 „    8,850
                   Eabthbnwabb (Pottibt)—
                      Jlaskafc .                     1,600           1,300            1,300
                       Bahrein                        C”0              400   Ml        400
                      Persian Ports .                7,035           7,000   • ••     7/X'O
                   Fbcits a*d Veoetaulis—
                      Persian Ports   •   •  175 cwts.  2,505  175 cuts.  2,500  200 cwts.  2,40)
                     Raisins and Currants—                                            1,700
                       Persian Ports •     220 cwts.  1,995  200 owti.  1,700  200 cwts.
                     Other sorts of fruits, etc.—                                     8,COO
                      Mask at   •   •   .  000 cwts.   10,0*0  930 cwts.  10,050   60) cwts.
                      Bahrein .   •   •   •  4*1 *   1,020                            14,260
                       Persian Ports  .   .   •  450 „  14,025  460 cwts.  1\260  450 cwts.
                     Charcoal—                                                        1.000
                       Persiau Purts «     900 tw ts.  900  900 cwts.  900  1,000 cwts.
                     firewood—                                             4.00) outs.   2.400
                       Ma»k*t •           1.000 cwts.   2.400  4.000 owts.  2.400  8,000 „  4,800
                       Psisian Purts •    8,(MX) *   4,800  8.000  „  4,800
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