Page 335 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 335

residency and mask at political agency for the YEAR 1001-1002.  51

         C/nlo/ient tVoicing the Total Value of Principal Article* imparted into the Porta oh the Arab
              Coast of the Persian Gulf during the year* 1S99, 1V00, and 1901—continued.
                                   1«W.             1000.            1901.
                              Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.
                                          Rs.             l's.             Ha­
           India              300 pieces  300 piece*   C.000  300 jiiccra   6,000
           Persian Forts .    103  ft    3,C*«X>  li*3 ,,  3,1)00  200    4,000
        Glass aj»d Glasswabe—
           India •   •                    060              000            1,000
           Persian Ports .                900              000            l.OuO
          Oiler soifs —
           India .   •   •                810              700             600
           Persian Ports  .   •           000              400             600
        Goto Lace asd TaBP.AD —
          Gold Lace—
           India .            1,000 tola*   1,2^0   900 tolas  1,080  1 000 tolas   COO
           Mnskat .            700 „      9.0   700 „     SCO  1.500 „    l.OuO
           Persian Torts  .   •  1.500 „  1.8 00  1.300 „  1,550  2,000 ..  1,200
          Gild Thread—
           India .   .   •    7.500 tolas  15,(VO  7,000 loins   14 000   6,500 tolas  13.000
           Persian Ports .    1.500  „   3,CO J  1,400 „  2,b00   2.000  „  4,000
        Gbaix asd Pcue —
           India           . • 2,0] 0 l-aps   20,lfO     ...    I .CO bags  14.000
           Pcr.'iar. Ports .  . 12,010 „  1,20,000  14,0)0 bags  1,51,000   14,0.0 „  1,36,020
           Persian Ports .  .! 1,200 laps  12,0)0  1,200 bags  10,800  1,100 laps  10,900
           India           . 30,000 b.igs  S.CO.COO 20,000 bags   2.20,000 25,000 bags   2.80,000
           Persian Ports     70,COO „  8,40,00) Co.Ov.0 „  6,60,000 ; 60,000 „  6,60,000
          Other serfs—      :
           -Masqat .       . '   510 nets.  3,0)0  5C0 cut*.   2 7*0   1,7< 0 cwts.   9.000
           Persian Ports   .| 1.800 „    9,945  1,600 *   8,500  650 „    3.000
        jIabebdabhkbt —
           India                          6901             600              700
           Persian Ports             i   2,010            2,000            3,000
        HaBDVABI axd Cctlebt—
           India                        10,050            7,600            8,000
           Persi* ;rta                  10,020            8,000           12,0u0
           India .   •   .   •            4W)              4S0             1,500
           Persian Porte   •   .         1.035            1,035             200
        Jvte, akdMabcfactobeb of—
          Other sorts—
           India                MS        990              90D              800
           Persian Porte                 1.9S0            1,800            2.000
        Lavts avd Laupwab*—
           Indie •              • ••     1,020            1,000            1.0O0
           Persian Porta                 2,025   tte      2,000   • M      2,500
          Leather (f«*nei)—
           Mesial .             •••     12,000   •••     12,000   HI      14000
           Persian Torte        • ••     8,010           10,000           12,000
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